Customizing Geometries

This tutorial will guide you through the process of customizing geometries in Nominatim. By customizing geometries, a more refined shape can be achieved for geographical elements, resulting in more precise and tailored search outcomes for specific use cases. The ultimate goal is to replace default OSM geometries with customized shapes and to ensure that these custom geometries remain intact during data updates even when data changes come in from OSM.

This requirement is derived from a project under EUROSTAT aimed at developing GISCO map services to overcome political issues related to several geometries.


Before beginning, ensure that Nominatim is set up and operational on your system. Comprehensive installation instructions can be found on the Nominatim website. Also, make sure you have access to the PostgreSQL database that Nominatim is used for storing OpenStreetMap data.

It is also needed a library for lua scripts to interact with the database. For that it may be installed with the following command:

apt install lua-sql-postgres


1. Import OSM Data

With the lua script in place import OpenStreetMap (OSM) data into your Nominatim database. If not done already, consult the Nominatim documentation for precise instructions.

2. Run SQL for Geometry Modifications and Change OSM_ID to Negative

Proceed to execute SQL queries to modify the geometries of specific elements. Utilize your preferred SQL client to connect to your Nominatim database.

For example, adjusting geometries can be achieved with SQL statements like:

UPDATE placex
SET geometry = ST_Simplify(geometry, 0.001), osm_id = -osm_id
  osm_id > 0
  AND boundary = 'administrative'
  AND admin_level = '4' 
  AND osm_type = 'R';

In this example, the geometries of relations of administrative boundaries have been simplified.

It is important that, to discern modified elements from the original data, the osm_id must be set to negative values. The negative IDs mark all objects that are changed, so that they can be later be blocked from being updated. This practice ensures clear differentiation between the original and customized elements.

Adapt the WHERE clause to correspond to your element selection criteria. Notice that multiple SQL can be run and for that, all WHERE clauses must contain osm_id > 0 constraint.

3. Lua Script for Blocking Elements

A custom Lua script in append mode will be developed to block elements with negative osm_id values. Since it will affect just in append mode it can be placed before or after the initial import of the database. For more information, consult the documentation for setting a customize style.

All negative osm_id values shall be retrieved from the database using luasql.postgres and then all negatives osm_id will be blocked only in append mode using flex.process_tags.

-- Import original process tags function from flex-base.lua
local flex = require("flex-base")
local original_process_tags = flex.process_tags

-- Open a database connection to the database.
local driver = require "luasql.postgres"
local env = assert (driver.postgres())
local con = assert (env:connect(""))

-- Get all blocked items, which will not be processed 
function get_blocked_ids()
  -- This is only required for update
  if osm2pgsql.mode == 'append' then
    -- Get all blocked IDs from the database.
    sql = [[ SELECT osm_id FROM placex
             WHERE osm_type = 'R' and osm_id < 0
    cur = assert(con:execute(sql))
    blocked = {}
    row = cur:fetch ({})
    while row do
      -- Save the blocked ID as positive
      blocked[-row[1]] = 1
      row = cur:fetch ({})
    return blocked

local blocked = get_blocked_ids()

function flex.process_tags(o)   
  -- Ignore bloked elements
  if osm2pgsql.mode == 'append'
    and o.object.type == 'relation'
    and (blocked[(] == 1)
      print("BLOCKED --> " ..

  --Now execute the original processing function.
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